Branislav Bajbár

Senior UI / UX / Product designer for whom his work is a hobby.
I'm a fan of functional design, apps, new technologies and inspiring books.

I worked full-time for companies such Ticketportal, Azet, Ringier Axel Springer, Petit Press, News Media Holding, Innovatrics, SuperFaktura.
I went through various positions from DTP, frontend developer, graphic designer, art director to head of digital design in the largest Slovak media company.

In addition to my full-time job, I have worked externally as a freelancer on many interesting projects.

What I specialize in:

🔍 Finding and solving any issues related to design and UX.

🎨 User interface design and animations that are not only visually appealing, but also functional
and user-friendly.

⚙️ Creating a robust design system from the ground up that will ensure product consistency.

🙎‍♂️ I can cover user research, competitive analysis, user flow, user journey, wireframes, prototyping,
usability testing and in-depth interviews in order to find out how the product is used
in real conditions in order to improve its functionality and usability.

📐 My knowledge of front-end development will save the development team time and effort thanks to
well-prepared development materials and design outputs that are also technically feasible.

📖 I am oriented in design methods such as design process, design thinking and design sprint.

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